K. O. Neal

ONE, Incorporated

2256 Venice Blvd.

Los Angeles 6, California

Dear Mr. Neal:

I read your February editorial, and was very impressed. You have brought out some very good points that should be discussed.

I have been very close to homosexuals and observed and talked frankly with many, since discovering my son to be "gay," about eight years ago. I have devoted my life since, trying to understand the homosexual and helping him in any way I can.

An invert is no more apt to be a criminal, or have less love of his country than straight people. The best way I can think of proving this statement is simply to observe and get to know a cross section of them.

It makes my blood boil to hear giggles and snide remarks made by those on the "other" side of the fence, who haven't the slightest conception of why an individual is a homosexual. They know so little about the subject, and are really afraid to learn anymore; so they continue to ridicule and push down homosexuals, in order to try to eventually abolish same, which will never happen.

God created the invert in the beginning. He will continue to live on this earth too, and serve in his community to the best of his capacity.

Inverts are on the whole, wonderful people, and the world has prospered greatly from their talents, wit, and laughter, and indeed, they are no different from anyone else. They should be treated with equal respect. "Gay" people need love and respect desperately. I have talked to too many in my life not to know this to be true, and this love and respect given freely will indeed be returned as it has to me. They know they can come to me with their problems, and not be laughed at but approached with understanding.

I know some parents who have accepted the fact that their child is an invert, but that is as far as it goes. They won't discuss the matter further with the child, and the subject remains closed whether the boy or girl remains at home or not. And, indeed, many a boy or girl has been driven from home because of the need to talk to someone concerning their lives and problems. Parents who really love their children are then miserable, to say nothing of the child, so, why don't parents wake up and try to provide a sane and happy life for them. If they could be made to realize that the main cause of, or rather one of the apparently significant causes, of homosexuality, stems within their own upbringing of their children, there would result a
